UMR 5182

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Dr. Valentin MAFFEIS

The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, Spain
Quand ?

11/12/2020 à 10:30

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Akos Banyasz

Femtosecond spectroscopy to understand the dynamics of photoconversion processes in third generation solar cells

To join the meeting on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 799 480 9790

Passcode: 489047



In the 3rd generation of solar cells, charge separation, the first photoconversion process, often occurs at a sub-picosecond time scales. Since the efficiency of a solar cell can be described as a ratio of kinetics, understanding the relationship between dynamics and structure is a reliable way for improvements. At this timescale, and because solar cells are good by design at absorbing light, femtosecond laser spectroscopy is well suited for these measurements.

We will start with dye-sensitized solar cells as a case example and move the discussion to natural and artificial proteins for photosynthesis to discuss the latest spectroscopic methods available. Ultimately, I will briefly discuss my project for further studies of the photoconversion process with spectroscopy.