UMR 5182

You are here: Home / Research / Axes / Functional and Photonic Materials / Team 2: Functional Materials

Team 2: Functional Materials

The group develops activity in the field of the synthesis of molecular precursors of materials, the preparation of materials of various shapes (particles, films, monoliths) using colloidal chemistry and soft-chemistry routes (sol-gel), the design of plasmonic structures (metal nanoparticles, plasmonic composite films and monoliths), composite inorganic or hybrid materials, and the surface modification. Among the expertise, the control of interfaces is crucial both on inorganic and hybrid materials.

Group picture, October 2019

Functional Materials Group Picture October 2019

From left to right
In the back: Stéphane Parola, Yige Yan, Benjamin Abécassis, Vincent Wieczny, Lilian Guillemeney, Emilie Molina, Caroline Arnoux
Middle row: Denis Château, Sophie Chausson, Carole Vaillant, Antonio Carone, Chiara Moretti, Anne Desponds, Laura Piedad Chia Gomez, Antony Désert, Szilvia Karpati
In front: Frédéric Lerouge, Frédéric Chaput

Permanent Members

Stéphane Parola

Stéphane Parola
Group leader

Frédéric Chaput

Frédéric Chaput

Frédéric Lerouge

Frédéric Lerouge

Anthony Désert

Anthony Désert

Benjamin Abécassis

Benjamin Abécassis
Personal web page

Non Permanent Members


  • Sophie Chausson

Post-DoctoraL Research associates

  • Denis Château
  • Yige Yan
  • Emilie Molina
  • Laura Piedad Chia Gomez
  • Szilvia Karpati

PhD students

  • Anne Desponds
  • Antonio Carone
  • Carole Vaillant
  • Caroline Arnoux
  • Chiara Moretti
  • Lilian Guillemeney
  • Vincent Wieczny