Animated by Laure GUY & Nicolas DE RYCKE
Since its creation by Prof. A. Collet in 1988, the LCH has acquired international recognition in the field of chirality. Although it is firmly anchored at the heart of the “chemistry in confined space” and “switchable (supra) molecular materials” themes of the CSCB axis, the issues linked to chirality today go well beyond the framework of chemistry. molecular. They are now ubiquitous in the fields of materials chemistry, coordination chemistry and theoretical chemistry. In this context, we find chirality in the two other transversal axes “nanomaterials & surfaces” and “chemistry for living things”. For example, researchers in the MFP axis are studying the development of chiral nanostructures for understanding fundamental phenomena and for applications in biosensor design and catalysis. As part of the SMMCPL project, this same axis is participating in the study of the magnetic properties and circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) of chiral mononuclear complexes based on lanthanides. On the other hand, the TCMT axis is interested in theoretical studies of dynamic simulation of damaged DNA oligonucleotides to better understand the interactions that block their repairs at the cellular level. There is thus a real inter-axis field to explore, combining molecular and nanometric scales supported by the modeling of structure / chirality / magnetism / optics relationships.