Surfaces interfaces and nanomaterials
Animated by David LOFFREDA and Anthony DESERT
The last ten years have seen the emergence of several scientific actions in the chemistry laboratory (research projects, collaborations, theses, financed by contracts or submitted to ANR-type calls for projects), concerning the synthesis, functionalization and characterization of nanomaterials and surfaces, to both on experimental and theoretical aspects. In the national context of two new GDRs OR-NANO and NANOPERANDO, which are dedicated to the study of the structures and dynamics of nanomaterials (such as gold) in their real environment for many fields of application (biology, optics, nanoelectronics , catalysis, materials science, etc ...). As part of the laboratory's next contract, specific actions will be carried out to stimulate scientific discussions related to this theme. Discussions will cover the synthesis and functionalization of nanomaterials and surface chemistry (metallic nanoparticles, structured silicas, nanocomposite materials), their characterization and the evaluation of physical and chemical properties. Discussions will combine the experimental part with modeling at the atomic scale (under various conditions). Specific applications are expected in the fields of nanostructuring, printing (3D, 4D ..), radiotherapy, catalysis, energy ...