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Team members
Located in Teams / Unconventional modes of DNA maintenance and transmission - M. Delattre
Epigenetic regulation of cell identity and environmental stress responses - F. Palladino
We are interested in understanding the role of conserved chromatin marks in the maintenance of germline identity and the response to environmental stress. To adress these questions, we are using C. elegans as a model organism. We use a combination of genetic, biochemical and genome wide approaches.
Located in Teams
Epigenetic regulation during development
Located in Teams
Condensin in the context of chromatin - P. Bernard
Determining (1) the mechanisms that make chromatin suitable for condensin action in vivo,(2) the role of condensin at telomeres, and (3) the link between condensin and S phase.
Located in Teams / Chromatin Dynamics in Mitotic Chromosome Assembly - P. Bernard