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Antoine COULON, Institut Curie - Paris

Understanding interphase chromosomes as physical objects
Quand ? Le 08/03/2024,
de 11:00 à 12:00
S'adresser à Salle des thèses, Equipe Jost
Ajouter un événement au calendrier vCal

Our understanding of genome organization and nuclear architecture has greatly progressed in the past few decades. Advances in sequencing-based technologies for mapping chromosomal contacts and in microscopy-based approaches for visualizing chromosome folding and dynamics have led to physical models of chromosomes aiming to explain and relate structure, dynamics and function. However, beyond visualization, the ability to physically manipulate chromosomes inside a living cell holds great potentials to reveal what passive visualization cannot. I will present a new technology we have developed for direct mechanical manipulation of chromosomes inside living human cells with magnetic forces. I will discuss what this approach taught us about the physical nature and material properties of interphase chromosomes, as well as ongoing work and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


Contact : Daniel Jost