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CANCELLED - Joan Barau Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB, Mainz Germany

Germline epigenetics at the crossroads of fertility and evolution
When May 05, 2023
from 11:00 to 12:00
Contact Name Equipe Palladino - Salle des Thèses
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Germ cells are a hotspot of genetic conflicts that put reproduction at risk by interfering with proper gamete and embryonic development. The interplay between epigenetic regulation of gametogenesis, the patterns of transposon activity and the germline pathways dedicated to transposon silencing is a prototypical example of genetic conflict. Using the mouse as a model, our lab studies how the epigenetic regulation of gametogenesis intersects transposon activity and silencing, leading to conflict resolution and the safeguarding of fertility. We use a combination of tools in epigenomics and proteomics to gain insights into how transposons take advantage of germline regulatory networks and how germ cell defense mechanisms use DNA methylation to specifically silence transposons with developmental and evolutionary consequences.

Contact : F. Palladino