This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 42 references in this bibliography folder.
Bohne, A, Schultheis, C, Galiana-Arnoux, D, Froschauer, A, Zhou, Q, Schmidt, C, Selz, Y, Ozouf-Costaz, C, Dettai, A, Segurens, B, Couloux, A, Bernard-Samain, S, Barbe, V, Chilmonczyk, S, Brunet, F, Darras, A, Tomaszkiewicz, M, Semon, M, Schartl, M, and Volff, J
Molecular analysis of the sex chromosomes of the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus: Towards the identification of a new type of master sexual regulator in vertebrates.
Integr Zool, 4(3):277-84.
Charles, C, Pantalacci, S, Peterkova, R, Tafforeau, P, Laudet, V, and Viriot, L
Effect of eda loss of function on upper jugal tooth morphology.
Anat Rec (Hoboken), 292(2):299-308.
Charles, C, Pantalacci, S, Tafforeau, P, Headon, D, Laudet, V, and Viriot, L
Distinct impacts of Eda and Edar loss of function on the mouse dentition.
PLoS One, 4(4):e4985.
Necsulea, A, Semon, M, Duret, L, and Hurst, LD
Monoallelic expression and tissue specificity are associated with high crossover rates.
Trends Genet, 25(12):519-22.
Pantalacci, S, Semon, M, Martin, A, Chevret, P, and Laudet, V
Heterochronic shifts explain variations in a sequentially developing repeated pattern: palatal ridges of muroid rodents.
Evol Dev, 11(4):422-33.
Renaud, S, Pantalacci, S, Quere, J, Laudet, V, and Auffray, J
Developmental constraints revealed by co-variation within and among molar rows in two murine rodents.
Evol Dev, 11(5):590-602.
Sperling, EA, Vinther, J, Moy, VN, Wheeler, BM, Semon, M, Briggs, DEG, and Peterson, KJ
MicroRNAs resolve an apparent conflict between annelid systematics and their fossil record.
Proc Biol Sci, 276(1677):4315-22.
Pantalacci, S, Chaumot, A, Benoit, G, Sadier, A, Delsuc, F, Douzery, EJP, and Laudet, V
Conserved features and evolutionary shifts of the EDA signaling pathway involved in vertebrate skin appendage development.
Mol Biol Evol, 25(5):912-28.
Pantalacci, S, Prochazka, J, Martin, A, Rothova, M, Lambert, A, Bernard, L, Charles, C, Viriot, L, Peterkova, R, and Laudet, V
Patterning of palatal rugae through sequential addition reveals an anterior/posterior boundary in palatal development.
BMC Dev Biol, 8:116.
Semon, M and Wolfe, KH
Preferential subfunctionalization of slow-evolving genes after allopolyploidization in Xenopus laevis.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105(24):8333-8.
Charles, C, Pantalacci, S, Peterkova, R, Peterka, M, Laudet, V, and Viriot, L
Disruption of the palatal rugae pattern in Tabby (eda) mutant mice.
Eur J Oral Sci, 115(6):441-8.
Keime, C, Semon, M, Mouchiroud, D, Duret, L, and Gandrillon, O
Unexpected observations after mapping LongSAGE tags to the human genome.
BMC Bioinformatics, 8:154.
Lerat, E and Semon, M
Influence of the transposable element neighborhood on human gene expression in normal and tumor tissues.
Gene, 396(2):303-11.
Semon, M and Wolfe, KH
Consequences of genome duplication.
Curr Opin Genet Dev, 17(6):505-12.
Colombani, J, Raisin, S, Pantalacci, S, Radimerski, T, Montagne, J, and Leopold, P
A nutrient sensor mechanism controls Drosophila growth.
Cell, 114(6):739-49.
Pantalacci, S, Tapon, N, and Leopold, P
The Salvador partner Hippo promotes apoptosis and cell-cycle exit in Drosophila.
Nat Cell Biol, 5(10):921-7.
Raisin, S, Pantalacci, S, Breittmayer, J, and Leopold, P
A new genetic locus controlling growth and proliferation in Drosophila melanogaster.
Genetics, 164(3):1015-25.
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