Thèmes de recherche
Characterize the NMD pathway and its deregulation by viral factors (Vincent Mocquet- projet 1)
The NMD is a quality control pathway leading to the degradation of RNA that harbor ribosomes considered by the cell to have prematurely stopped.
Effects of DHX36 on RNA G4 quadruplexes (Stéphane Réty- projet 2)
G-quadruplexes (G4s) are four-stranded secondary structures held together by layers of four Guanines (G) interacting by non-canonical G-G base pairs. Once formed, G4s are highly stable and can act as barriers blocking replication, transcription and translation.
Control of histone expression by INT6 and SLBP (Pierre Jalinot- projet 3)
Strenghthening the role of INT6 in genome stability, we have shown that INT6 is needed for efficient expression of the histones during the S phase of the cell cycle.