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You are here: Home / Teams / Epigenetics and Zygote Formation - B. Loppin / Publications / Two Na,K-ATPase beta 2 subunit isoforms are differentially expressed within the central nervous system and sensory organs during zebrafish embryogenesis.

Two Na,K-ATPase beta 2 subunit isoforms are differentially expressed within the central nervous system and sensory organs during zebrafish embryogenesis.

Johannes R Rajarao, Victor A Canfield, Benjamin Loppin, Bernard Thisse, Christine Thisse, Yi-Lin Yan, John H Postlethwait, and Robert Levenson (2002)

Dev Dyn, 223(2):254-61.

We have identified cDNAs encoding a second zebrafish ortholog of the human Na,K-ATPase beta 2 subunit. The beta 2b cDNA encodes a 292 amino acid-long polypeptide with 74% identity to the previously characterized zebrafish beta 2a subunit. By using a zebrafish meiotic mapping panel, we determined that the beta2b gene (atp1b2b) was tightly linked to markers on linkage group 5, whereas the beta 2a gene was located on linkage group 23. In situ hybridization analysis shows that in developing zebrafish embryos, atp1b2a and atp1b2b are predominantly expressed in the nervous system. beta 2a transcripts were abundantly expressed throughout brain as well as spinal cord neurons and lateral line ganglia. In contrast, beta 2b mRNA expression was primarily detected in sensory organs, including retina, otic vesicles, and lateral line neuromast cells. These resultssuggest that the beta 2a and beta 2b genes play distinct roles in developing brain and sensory organs, and raise the possibility that the functions encoded by the single mammalian beta 2 gene may be partitioned between the two zebrafish beta 2 orthologs.

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