This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 174 references in this bibliography folder.
Mallinjoud, P, Villemin, JP, Mortada, H, Polay Espinoza, M, Desmet, FO, Samaan, S, Chautard, E, Tranchevent, LC, and Auboeuf, D
Endothelial, epithelial, and fibroblast cells exhibit specific splicing programs independently of their tissue of origin
Genome Res, 24(3):511–521.
Mohamed, AM, Th?noz, M, Solly, F, Balsat, M, Mortreux, F, and Wattel, E
How mRNA is misspliced in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)?
Oncotarget, 5(20):9534–9545.
Mohamed, AM, Thenoz, M, Solly, F, Balsat, M, Mortreux, F, and Wattel, E
How mRNA is misspliced in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)?
Oncotarget, 5(20):9534-45.
Naro, C, Barbagallo, F, Chieffi, P, Bourgeois, CF, Paronetto, MP, and Sette, C
The centrosomal kinase NEK2 is a novel splicing factor kinase involved in cell survival
Nucleic Acids Res, 42(5):3218–3227.
Samaan, S, Tranchevent, LC, Dardenne, E, Polay Espinoza, M, Zonta, E, Germann, S, Gratadou, L, Dutertre, M, and Auboeuf, D
The Ddx5 and Ddx17 RNA helicases are cornerstones in the complex regulatory array of steroid hormone-signaling pathways
Nucleic Acids Res, 42(4):2197–2207.
Souqui?re, S, Makuwa, M, Sall?, B, Lepelletier, Y, Mortreux, F, Hermine, O, and Kazanji, M
Immunological alterations and associated diseases in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) naturally co-infected with SIV and STLV
Virology, 454-455:184–196.
Souquiere, S, Makuwa, M, Salle, B, Lepelletier, Y, Mortreux, F, Hermine, O, and Kazanji, M
Immunological alterations and associated diseases in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) naturally co-infected with SIV and STLV.
Virology, 454-455:184-96.
Th?noz, M, Vernin, C, Mortada, H, Karam, M, Pinatel, C, Gessain, A, Webb, TR, Auboeuf, D, Wattel, E, and Mortreux, F
HTLV-1-infected CD4+ T-cells display alternative exon usages that culminate in adult T-cell leukemia
Retrovirology, 11:119.
Thenoz, M, Vernin, C, Mortada, H, Karam, M, Pinatel, C, Gessain, A, Webb, TR, Auboeuf, D, Wattel, E, and Mortreux, F
HTLV-1-infected CD4+ T-cells display alternative exon usages that culminate in adult T-cell leukemia.
Retrovirology, 11:119.
Vernin, C, Thenoz, M, Pinatel, C, Gessain, A, Gout, O, Delfau-Larue, MH, Nazaret, N, Legras-Lachuer, C, Wattel, E, and Mortreux, F
HTLV-1 bZIP factor HBZ promotes cell proliferation and genetic instability by activating OncomiRs
Cancer Res, 74(21):6082–6093.
Ballarino, M, Jobert, L, Demb?l?, D, de la Grange, P, Auboeuf, D, and Tora, L
TAF15 is important for cellular proliferation and regulates the expression of a subset of cell cycle genes through miRNAs
Oncogene, 32(39):4646–4655.
Ballarino, M, Jobert, L, Dembele, D, de la Grange, P, Auboeuf, D, and Tora, L
TAF15 is important for cellular proliferation and regulates the expression of a subset of cell cycle genes through miRNAs.
Oncogene, 32(39):4646-55.
Chapat, C, Kolytcheff, C, Le Romancer, M, Auboeuf, D, De La Grange, P, Chettab, K, Sentis, S, and Corbo, L
hCAF1/CNOT7 regulates interferon signalling by targeting STAT1
EMBO J, 32(5):688–700.
Desdouits, M, Cassar, O, Maisonobe, T, Desrames, A, Aouba, A, Hermine, O, Mikol, J, Polivka, M, Penisson-Besnier, I, Marcorelles, P, Zagnoli, F, Papo, T, Lacour, A, Amoura, Z, Haroche, J, Cherin, P, Teixeira, A, Benveniste, O, Herson, S, Morin, AS, Mortreux, F, Wattel, E, Huerre, M, Cumont, MC, Martin-Latil, S, Butler-Browne, G, Gout, O, Taylor, G, Gessain, A, Ozden, S, and Ceccaldi, PE
HTLV-1-associated inflammatory myopathies: low proviral load and moderate inflammation in 13 patients from West Indies and West Africa
J Clin Virol, 57(1):70–76.
El Idrissi, M, Hervieu, V, Merle, P, Mortreux, F, and Wattel, E
Cause-specific telomere factors deregulation in hepatocellular carcinoma
J Exp Clin Cancer Res, 32:64.
Pomier, C, Rabaaoui, S, Pouliquen, J, Couppie, P, El Guedj, M, Nacher, M, Lacoste, V, Wattel, E, Kazanji, M, and Mortreux, F
Antiretroviral therapy promotes an inflammatory-like pattern of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) replication in human immunodeficiency virus type 1/HTLV-1 co-infected individuals.
J Gen Virol, 94(Pt 4):753-7.
Pomier, C, Rabaaoui, S, Pouliquen, JF, Couppi?, P, El Guedj, M, Nacher, M, Lacoste, V, Wattel, E, Kazanji, M, and Mortreux, F
Antiretroviral therapy promotes an inflammatory-like pattern of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) replication in human immunodeficiency virus type 1/HTLV-1 co-infected individuals
J Gen Virol, 94(Pt 4):753–757.
Rosewick, N, Momont, M, Durkin, K, Takeda, H, Caiment, F, Cleuter, Y, Vernin, C, Mortreux, F, Wattel, E, Burny, A, Georges, M, and Van den Broeke, A
Deep sequencing reveals abundant noncanonical retroviral microRNAs in B-cell leukemia/lymphoma
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 110(6):2306–2311.
Sibon, D, Zane, L, Idrissi, ME, Delfau-Larue, MH, Gessain, A, Gout, O, Mortreux, F, and Wattel, E
Mosaicism of HTLV-1 5' LTR CpG methylation in the absence of malignancy
Virus Res, 178(2):452–461.
Zonta, E, Bittencourt, D, Samaan, S, Germann, S, Dutertre, M, and Auboeuf, D
The RNA helicase DDX5/p68 is a key factor promoting c-fos expression at different levels from transcription to mRNA export
Nucleic Acids Res, 41(1):554–564.
Auboeuf, D, Carmo-Fonseca, M, Valcarcel, J, and Biamonti, G
Alternative splicing and cancer
J Nucleic Acids, 2012:363809.
Bittencourt, D and Auboeuf, D
Analysis of co-transcriptional RNA processing by RNA-ChIP assay
Methods Mol Biol, 809:563–577.
Dardenne, E, Pierredon, S, Driouch, K, Gratadou, L, Lacroix-Triki, M, Espinoza, MP, Zonta, E, Germann, S, Mortada, H, Villemin, JP, Dutertre, M, Lidereau, R, Vagner, S, and Auboeuf, D
Splicing switch of an epigenetic regulator by RNA helicases promotes tumor-cell invasiveness
Nat Struct Mol Biol, 19(11):1139–1146.
Germann, S, Gratadou, L, Dutertre, M, and Auboeuf, D
Splicing programs and cancer
J Nucleic Acids, 2012:269570.
Germann, S, Gratadou, L, Zonta, E, Dardenne, E, Gaudineau, B, Foug?re, M, Samaan, S, Dutertre, M, Jauliac, S, and Auboeuf, D
Dual role of the ddx5/ddx17 RNA helicases in the control of the pro-migratory NFAT5 transcription factor
Oncogene, 31(42):4536–4549.
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