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Team's members

The phone numbers have the following format: 04 72 72 8x xx. The e-mail addresses need to be complemented with


Past members

Alexandre THURMAN, ESBS 1rst year, 2018/05/28 - 2018/07/30

Lucie DEHAU, ENS de Lyon L2, 2018/05/22 - 2018/07/06

Blandine VERGIER, UCBL L2 (2017)

Nicolas-Pierre LEVY, ENS de Lyon L3 (2017)

Manon PERRIER, BTS (1rst year, 2016, 2nd year 2017)

Ikram AMRI, L3 (2013), M2 (2015 - 2016)

Clémence GROSJEAN, BTS (1rst year 2015, 2nd year 2016)

Pierre-Nicolas STEBE, PhD (2011-2015)

Dylan CALABRESI, BTS (1rst year 2014, 2nd year 2015)

Jérémie LEAULT, EPHE (2013-2014)





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