Expression of the v-erbA oncogene in chicken embryo fibroblasts stimulates their proliferation in vitro and enhances tumor growth in vivo.
Cell, 49(5):687-97.
In contrast to uninfected chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs), CEFs infected with a retroviral vector that carries the v-erbA gene of avian erythroblastosis virus displayed new properties. These included limited anchorage-independent growth insoft agar, growth without latency in serum-supplemented medium, ability to overcome quiescence induced by serum deprivation, growth at low cell density, and an extended life span in vitro. Furthermore, when explanted in vivo onto the chorioallantoic membrane of chicken embryo, the transformed CEFs expressing v-erbA in addition to v-erbB exhibited a high proliferative rate, giving rise tofibrosarcoma tumors that were ten times larger than those developed from transformed CEFs expressing v-erbB alone. All these data show that CEFs expressing the v-erbA oncogene display activated growth and suggest that the v-erbA product interferes with the mechanisms regulating the growth and/or differentiation of primary CEFs.
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