General Presentation of the LIP
LIP Computer Science laboratory gathers 60 permanent faculties and researchers, 40-50 PhD students and over 20 scientists working on temporary positions. The administrative and technical staff gathers 12 engineers and assisting people. Research is developed on a wide spectrum of key topics of computer and information sciences as well as on various inter-disciplinary initiatives. LIP main strength is the creative interaction between long-term fundamental research, innovative software/hardware design and shorter-term projects/transfers through industrial collaborations.
LIP members are highly involved in teaching within the University of Lyon.
The LIP is associated with the CNRS , the ENS Lyon, the Inria and the UCB Lyon 1 (UMR CNRS - ENS Lyon - UCB Lyon 1 - Inria 5668) and is part of MILYON (Laboratoire d'Excellence "Mathématiques et Informatique à Lyon").
The Director is Isabelle Guérin Lassous. The Associate Director is Nicolas Trotignon. The Deputy Director in Charge of call for projects, research transfert and international affairs is Ludovic Henrio. The Deputy Director in Charge of PhD, teaching and non-permanent positions is Russell Harmer.