François-Xavier Theillet
Université Paris Cité, CNRS, CiTCoM
Faculté de Pharmacie, 4 avenue de l'Observatoire
75006 PARIS
15h45 - 17h30
Amphi PC
In-cell NMR spectroscopy permits to investigate molecular conformations or ligand binding/processing in very relevant conditions, i.e in cells [1,2]. An in-cell atomic scale depiction establishes bridges between in vivo studies in live organisms and in vitro studies using purified material.
We will briefly describe the past and present experimental conditions exploited in the field, and give an overview of the contributions and limits of in-cell NMR. To mention just a few in recent years, in cell NMR helped to e.g. prove the existence of disordered proteins in cells, monitor the redox states of cells and cellular proteins, quantify intracellular drug binding in real time, …
The seminar will be multidisciplinary by nature, the field being concerned with spectroscopic issues, and covering many biochemistry/biophysics questions.
[1] Theillet F.-X. In-Cell Structural Biology by NMR: The Benefits of the Atomic-Scale. Chem. Rev. 122 (2022).
[2] Theillet F.X., Luchinat E. In-cell NMR: Why and how? Prog Nucl Reson Magn Spectr. 132-133 (2022).”