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Série de cours: frottement/fracture

Jay Fineberg (The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), chercheur invité par l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, donnera une série de trois cours portant sur le Frottement/Fracture.
When Apr 04, 2017 04:00 to
Apr 06, 2017 05:00
Where Grande salle CBP
Contact Name Jay Fineberg
Attendees Jay Fineberg
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Les cours auront lieu la 1e semaine d'avril de 16:00 à 17:00, mardi 4/04, mercredi 5/04, et jeudi 06/04.


  • "How Things Break: The Rapid Dynamics of Simple Cracks"

    A general overview of Dynamic Fracture and weakly nonlinear fracture mechanics.

  • "Instabilities in Dynamic Fracture"

    Focus on crack instabilities - basically a combination of both some old results on micro-branching together with new results published over the past years, that provides a new view of where the instabilities come from.

  • "Friction is Fracture"

    This third Lecture  will be about friction and the relation between friction and dynamic fracture, suggesting basically a fundamental new paradigm for friction.

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