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Ph.D. Day

Journée des doctorants 2019
When Jun 03, 2019
from 08:30 to 05:45
Where Amphithéâtre Schrödinger
Contact Name Marine Le Blay
Attendees Doctorants
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The laboratory PhD day will be held Monday 3rd June in Schrödinger amphitheatre. During this day, every first and second year PhD student will present their work and each talk will be followed by few minutes of questions.

The day will start just before 9am by coffee and croissants in salle Rivière (situated at the basement of the teaching building - just downstairs the Schrodinger amphitheatre). The first presentation will be at 9am. There will be two sessions of talks in the morning (with a coffee break) before a barbecue in the Monod garden. We would like to do something as zero-waste as possible so if you could bring an eco-cup with you and your fork and knife it would be great :)

This lunch time will be followed by two others talk sessions in the afternoon and a coffee break.

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