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Soutenance de Camille Jorge

Hydraulics of Active Liquids: Defects, Loops, and Frustration
When Jul 01, 2024
from 01:30 to 04:30
Where Salle des thèses
Contact Name Camille Jorge
Attendees Camille Jorge
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The objective of this thesis work is to determine the fundamental laws that describe the flow of active fluids confined in hydraulic networks. In particular, I demonstrate why the spontaneous flows of active liquids in trivalent networks are generally degenerate, characterized by streamlines with self-similar geometries. Through a combination of experimental and numerical studies, I link the macroscopic random geometry of the flows to the microscopic shape of the channels constituting the hydraulic network, thereby proposing a minimal theoretical framework to predict and explain the structural diversity of the flows. I then extend the laws of active hydraulics to a broader class of networks. I also demonstrate how flow patterns are related to spin ice conformations and, more generally, to vertex models. These quantitative correspondences allow for a solid prediction of flow geometry, establishing links between previously distinct areas of physics.