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Soutenance de Noëlle Haddad

Analysis and modelization of the spatial folding of the epigenome

Prédictions pour la drosophile obtenues en modélisant la chromatine par un copolymère par bloc

When Nov 17, 2016
from 02:30 to 06:30
Where Grande salle CBP
Contact Name Noëlle Haddad
Attendees Noëlle Haddad
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DNA of eukaryotes is highly condensed in a nucleoprotein complex called chromatin. Both the spatial organization and the biochemical composition (“epigenomic” state) of the chromatin are fundamental for gene regulation. Remarkably, recent studies indicate that1D epigenomic domains tend to fold into 3D topologically associated domains (TADs) forming specialized nuclear chromatin compartments. In this thesis, we address the question of the coupling between chromatin folding and epigenome. We first built a software called IC-finder to segment HiC maps into interacting domains. We next used it to quantify correlations between the TADs and epigenomic partitions of the genome. This led us to develop a physical model of the chromatin with the working hypothesis that chromatin organization is driven by physical interactions between epigenomic loci. We modeled chromatin as a block copolymer where each block corresponds to an epigenomic domain. With this framework, we developed a method to infer interaction parameters between chromatin loci from experimental Hi-C map. An outcome of such inference process would be a powerful tool to predict chromatin organization in various conditions, allowing investigating in silico changes in TAD formations and long-range contacts when altering the epigenome.