Soutenance de Jacquelin Luneau
When |
Sep 18, 2023
from 02:00 to 04:00 |
Where | Amphi L |
Contact Name | Jacquelin Luneau |
Attendees |
Jacquelin Luneau |
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This thesis introduces a notion of topological coupling between quantum systems with a slow-fast decomposition. I study the dynamics of the slow degrees of freedom, showing that the topological nature of the coupling induces a quantized transfer of charge or energy between them. Considering the slow degrees of freedom as classical parameters imposing a time-dependence to the fast quantum system, we recover the appearance of a permanent current through this quantum system, discussed previously in the context of topological pumps. Guided by the goal of a direct measure of this transfer, I propose an experimental realization of such coupling between microwave electromagnetic modes and a supercon- ducting quantum circuit.
I study then the nature of the quantum states of the total system, showing that the topological nature of the coupling imposes an entanglement between the slow and fast subsystems. Generically, any initial state decomposes into a superposition of states which are separated in phase space by the topological dynamics, thereby creating a cat state.
In a last part, I identify two families of initial states of such a system, leading or not to a topological dynamics. This separation in two families of initial states translates into two families of eigenstates of the total system at the same energies. The family of eigenstates associated to a non-trivial topology carries signatures of a non-standard quantum chaos, whereas the one associated to a trivial topology does not.