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Soutenance de Lucien Jezequel

Phase space approach to topological physics: Mode-shell correspondence and extensions to non-Hermitian and non-linear systems
When Jun 24, 2024
from 02:00 to 04:00
Where Salle des thèses
Contact Name Lucien Jezequel
Attendees Lucien Jezequel
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The thesis was carried out under the direction of Pierre Delplace and focuses on the topological properties of waves (quantum or classical). In particular I will discuss the existence of a correspondence linking, in a general way, the properties of low energy topological modes (edge ​​states of the quantum Hall effect or equatorial waves, Dirac cones in graphene or Weyl cones in semi-metals) to topological properties (winding or Chern number) defined in the shell, which is the surface surrounding these modes in phase space. I will also discuss the extensions of this theory to non-linear and non-Hermitian systems, which are important for the study of the topological properties of classical waves.