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You are here: Home / Seminars / Other seminars / Transport and statistics of anyons in the quantum Hall regime

Transport and statistics of anyons in the quantum Hall regime

Pierre Glidic (Univ Lund, Sweden)
When Feb 05, 2025
from 02:00 to 03:00
Where Amphi F
Attendees Pierre Glidic
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In the fractional quantum Hall regime, bulk quasiparticles exhibit exotic properties including a fractional charge and, most remarkably, an inter-exchange (braiding) statistics intermediate between that of fermions and bosons. While the fractional charge of these so-called 'anyons' is experimentally firmly confirmed, obtaining clear evidence of their unconventional transport processes and non-trivial braiding statistics has proven to be more challenging tasks.

Recently, considerable focus has been placed on the so-called ‘collider’ approach, involving several quantum point contacts (QPC) in series: one or several upstream sources of quasiparticles and a downstream analyser QPC [1-4]. In this set-up, theory predicts [5-6] that the resulting current cross-correlations between the two outgoing paths (⟨δILδIR⟩, see Fig.1) reveal the quasiparticles exotic properties. In this talk, I will present measurements performed in the integer and fractional quantum Hall regimes revealing such exotic properties.

Firstly, in the emblematic Laughlin’s fraction 1/3, I will present cross-correlations signatures of an unconventional transport process of quasiparticle, coined “Andreev-like scattering”. In the case of a e/3 charged quasiparticle arriving on a barrier transmitting conventional charge e, the impinging quasiparticle is converted into a transmitted charge e and a backscattered quasihole of charge -2e/3 [7].

Secondly, in the case of two sources the observation of a large negative cross-correlations signal for symmetric sources provides evidence of fractional anyon statistics in the emblematic Laughlin fraction 1/3. In the Jain fraction 2/5, similar noise measurements in the inner edge channel also result in negative cross-correlations, which also indicate a different fractional anyon statistics.

Interestingly, at integer filling factor ν=2 involving the emission of electrons, a small negative signal can also be observed when the symmetric sources are set to a high or low transmission. In this case, thanks to the interactions between the two copropagating channels, an initial electron fractionalizes, and the resulting quasiparticle also exhibits anyonic braiding phase signature [7-8].

[1] H. Bartolomei et al., Science 368, 173 (2020)
[2] P. Glidic et al., Phys. Rev. X 13, 011030 (2023)
[3] M. Ruelle et al. Phys Rev. X 13, 011031 (2023)
[5] B. Rosenow et al. Phys. Rev., Lett. 116, 156802 (2016)
[6] B. Lee et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 016803 (2019)
[7] P. Glidic et al., Nat Com. 14, 514 (2023)
[8] E. Idrisov et al., Phys. Rev. B 106, 08540 (2022)
[9] P. Glidic et al, Nat. Com. 15, 6578 (2024)