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You are here: Home / Seminars / Colloquium / Fluctuations de puissance hors-équilibre: Exemple des plaques élastiques minces

Fluctuations de puissance hors-équilibre: Exemple des plaques élastiques minces

Sébastien Aumaitre (CEA, laboratoire de physique)
When Jul 03, 2017
from 11:00 to 12:00
Where amphi. Schrödinger
Attendees Sebastien Aumaître
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We will present experiment using the non-linear waves generated in a thin elastic plate as a tool to  probe the injected power in out-of- equilibrium systems. In this device, we measured the injected  power by a large electromagnetic shaker sustaining the wave motion. We estimated also the small  amount of additional power injected by a small electromagnetic shaker in contact with the plate  excited elsewhere by the large shaker. In both cases, we show that the fluctuations of injected power  smoothed over a long time, can be interpreted within the same framework. This approach based on  the stationary properties of the system, relates the variance of injected power to the dissipation. In  the limit of a system in contact with an equilibrium thermostat and having Gaussian fluctuations of  smoothed power, this point of view coincide with the fluctuation theorem.