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You are here: Home / Seminars / Colloquium / Galaxy structure and star formation in the young Universe

Galaxy structure and star formation in the young Universe

Jérémy Fensch (CRAL, ENS de Lyon)
When Oct 14, 2019
from 11:00 to 12:00
Where Amphi. Schrödinger
Attendees Jérémy Fensch
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Star formation in the young Universe is not yet understood. Even in the most recent cosmological simulations, stars do not form in the right place nor at the right time. In current models, gas is either ejected or converted into stars too fast. While these models are calibrated on the local Universe, the physical characteristics of the interstellar gas is very different in young Universe galaxies. In the latter, gas is much more turbulent and is the host of a very active star formation activity and thus energy injection from star formation feedback.
After a short review of the relevant physical processes, I will present some of my results on the impact of the gas physical conditions on the structure and star formation of galaxies in the young Universe, obtained from HPC simulations.
I will finish by presenting the research project that I am developing in the AstroENS team, to understand the physical processes regulating star formation across cosmic times.

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