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You are here: Home / Seminars / Colloquium / Emergent Phenomena in Driven Nonlinear Quantum Resonators

Emergent Phenomena in Driven Nonlinear Quantum Resonators

Gary Steele (TU Delft)
When Dec 11, 2023
from 11:00 to 12:00
Where Salle Condorcet
Attendees Gary Steele
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Strongly driven nonlinear quantum resonators built from microwave-frequency  superconducting Josephson circuits have recently been developed in our group for quantum sensing of DC nanomechanical resonators, and radio frequency photons, and have been demonstrated to be capable of reaching the quantum regime.

While the nonlinearity of these microwave devices can be considered a limitation of their sensing capabilities due to a reduced dynamic range, we have found that driving these systems into the nonlinear regime can enable unanticipated techniques based on parametric interactions, including cavity stabilization, improved cooling using four-wave mixing processes, and parametrically-mediated non-reciprocal heat flow.

In addition to these new applications, strong driving of these cavities also leads to new emergent phenomena. In this talk, I present experiments and physical insight into some of those which we have recently observed, including the emergence of a negative-mass Bogoluibov ``ghost'' mode of a driven Duffing oscillator near an exceptional point, and the emergence of an apparent nonlinear damping from a purely conservative nonlinearity through quantum fluctuations, highlighting strongly-driven nonlinear quantum cavities as a rich breeding ground for exploring new quantum physics and sensing techniques.

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