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You are here: Home / Seminars / Colloquium / Post-Newtonian theory for gravitational waves

Post-Newtonian theory for gravitational waves

Luc Blanchet (IAP)
When Nov 25, 2024
from 11:00 to 12:00
Where Salle des thèses
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Attendees Luc Blanchet
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Post-Newtonian theory plays a crucial role in the prediction and interpretation of gravitational waves (GW) generated by compact binary systems (neutron stars or black holes) as observed by the network of GW detectors LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA. In this talk, we shall give a general overview of the field, emphasizing the techniques which have been successful at predicting the gravitational waves to high PN order beyond the Einstein quadrupole formula. Then we shall discuss some recent results concerning the non-linear effects in the propagation of GW from the source to the detector, and the problem of GW radiation reaction and the flux-balance equations.

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