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You are here: Home / Seminars / Experimental physics and modelling / Socioeconomic agents as active matter and nucleation paths in active field theories

Socioeconomic agents as active matter and nucleation paths in active field theories

Ruben Zakine (LadHyX Ecole polytechnique)
When Jan 09, 2024
from 11:00 to 12:00
Where Salle des thèses
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Attendees Ruben Zakine
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In this seminar, we will tackle two subjects whose common thread is active matter. In a first part, I will focus on a socio-economic occupation model in the spirit of the Sakoda-Schelling model, historically introduced to shed light on segregation dynamics among human groups. For a large class of decision rules that drive the system out of equilibrium, we recover an equilibrium-like phase separation phenomenology (liquid-gas). Within the mean-field approximation I will show how the model can be mapped, to some extent, onto an active matter field description, paving the way for a unifying framework which considers population and price dynamics within a field theoretic approach. In a second part, using the nucleation-induced active phase separation as a starting observation, I will ask a general question: How can one predict the final phase of a nonequilibrium system where several phases compete? Since resorting to the free energy minimization is impossible, the transition depends crucially on the system’s dynamics. By using a minimum action method, I will pinpoint the first-order phase transition in some spatially-extended nonequilibrium systems. I will focus on the nonequilibrium extension of the Cahn-Hilliard dynamics (or Active Model B), commonly used to describe active liquid-gas phase separation. The paths of the transitions and their critical nuclei are notably identified.

Socioeconomic agents as active matter in nonequilibrium Sakoda-Schelling models
R Zakine, J Garnier-Brun, AC Becharat, M Benzaquen

Minimum Action Method for Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions
R Zakine, E Vanden-Eijnden

Unveiling the Phase Diagram and Reaction Paths of the Active Model B with the Deep Minimum Action Method
R Zakine, E Simonnet, E Vanden-Eijnden