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You are here: Home / Teams / Waves, Flows and Fluctuations

Waves, Flows and Fluctuations

This team tackles experimentally, theoretically and numerically the effect of non linearities or fluctuations in the dynamics of several out-of-equilibrium phenomenons. Among the current topics, let us cite hydrodynamic instabilities, turbulence, biological systems, statistical mechanics or the study of fluctuations in off-equilibrium or small systems. A strong instrumental activity backs these researches. The team aims at understanding the fondamental aspects of these phenomena with numerous applications.

Research topics
Hydrodynamics and Turbulence
Our team has a strong expertise on several aspects of hydrodynamics and turbulence, mixing theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. We are focusing on internal waves and rotating fluid, acoustic spectroscopy of (...) Read more
Home Made Instrumentation
Our team has a strong tradition in developing new instrumentations. Cutting-edge instruments are developed in collaboration with our workshops and cover a broad range of subject including optical tweezers, instrumented particles, (...) Read more
Physics of biological systems
We explore two different tracks in the physics of biological systems: an combined experimental and theoretical approach in the quest of new diagnostic tools of cancers thought the correlation between viscoelastic mechanical (...) Read more
Quantum Physics
Our team uses quantum devices and matter to engineer and demonstrate various non-classical physical phenomena using superconducting and superfluid matter. Read more
Statistical physics and non-linear modeling
Our team tackles theoretically several subjects where non-linearities trigger unusual properties in statistical physics: systems with long range interactions, geophysical turbulent flows, climate dynamics… Read more
Fluctuation theorems and thermal noise
In out of equilibrium or mesoscopic systems, fluctuations play an important role and provide a unique tool to probe the underlying physics. Our team develops various experiments to measure directly this noise and test statistical (...) Read more