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[Dec. 2022] We are pleased to have Ass. Prof. Sundeep Chepuri, from Department of Electrical and Communication EngineeringIndian Institute of Science at our lab thanks to the IFCAM collaboration (Indo-French Center for Applied Mathematics). He gives a talk on Dec. 6: on "Graph Neural Networks with Precomputed Features".

[Nov.-Dec. 2022] We are hosting Ass. Prof. Audrey Repetti, from Heriot-Watt University, as invited Professor by CNRS at our lab. Her talk during her stay: on "Learning Maximally Monotone Operators for Image Recovery"

[Nov. 2022] We welcome Prof. Steve McLaughlin, from Heriot-Watt University, as invited Professoir by CNRS at our lab. He will give a colloquium on November 21, 11 am, on Robust real-time imaging through flexible multimode fibres.

[Sept. and Dec. 2021] We are pleased to welcome our two new staff members: Adrien Meynard as Associate Professor ENSL, and Julian Táchella as Chargé de Recherche CNRS, both in Signal Processing.

[Conference on Complex Systems 2021] We organize the CCS 2021 in Lyon, 25-29 October 2021, with IXXI. [CCS2021 Website]

[June 2021] Post-doc position available with B. Audit, P. Abry, and N. Pustelnik. Subject: Machine learning and optimization to understand DNA replication kinetics. [More information] (Deadline: July 5)

[June 2021] We have some post-doc or PhD positions availables. A first one: TOWARD A QUANTITATIVE MODEL OF NUCLEOSOME DYNAMICS ALONG GENOMES with B. Audit and C. Vaillant. [More information] (Deadline: July 5)

[Jan. 2021] We hire:  A position of Associate Professor (Maître de Conférence, section 61 (although candidates from other sections, e.g. 28, are welcome)) will be open in Signal and Image processing at ENS de Lyon, in the Sisyphe team and the Physics department. [More information].

[Jan 2021] Patrick Flandrin élu Président de l'Académie des Sciences [More information].

[Nov. 2020] Comment mieux estimer l'évolution du taux de reproduction de la Covid-19 ? [See more] [Article]

[Since sept. 2020] “Machine Learning & Signal Processing” seminars @ENS Lyon [Webpage]

[25-29 Aug. 2021] Organisation of the Conference on Complex Systems 2021 (Website coming soon)

[07 Dec. 2020] PhD Defense of Gaëtan Frusque (co-supervision: P. Gonçalves (DANTE team) & P. Borgnat)

[15 Oct. 2020] PhD Defense Laurence Denneulin [See more] (co-supervision: N. Pustelnik & M. Langlois, E. Thiébaut (CRAL))

[02 Oct. 2020] Restitution of Artistic project by Alex Andrik  [VIDEO]

[30 Sept. 2020] PhD Defense Barbara Pascal [See more] (co-supervision: P. Abry & N. Pustelnik)

[Oct. 2020] PhD, post-doc posititions and Master-level interns for ACADEMICS project [Webpage]

  • PhD, post-doc : Machine Learning applied to Climate Dynamics (with the group in "Climate and Statistical Mechanics" of F. Bouchet at LPENSL) ; contacts: F. Bouchet & P. Borgnat
  • PhD, post-doc : Modeling in Computational Social Science, Political Science (with the DANTE team at the LIP) ; contacts: P. Borgnat
  • Master-level interns for the developement of ML&DS



[Nov. 2019] PhD Defense Hadi Kabalane [See more] (B. Audit)

[Sept. 2019] Ph.D position on Deep learning for multivariate textures:synthesis, classification, robustness - Applications to art and biomedicine applications. The thesis will be supervised by Patrice Abry (DR, CNRS, ENS Lyon). [More details]

[2017] Gabriel Michau est lauréat du prix de thèse 2017 de la Chaire Abertis Ecole des Ponts IFSTTAR sur la gestion des infrastructures de transport, laureat ex aequo du prix français et du prix international des Chaires Abertis. [More details]


[Sept. 2016] Soutenance de thèse de Jordan Frecon [More details]


[2016]  Best Paper Award à la conférence EUSIPCO 2016 pour l'article "Bayesian estimation for the local assessment of the multifractality parameter of multivariate time series" (S. Combrexelle, H. Wendt, Y. Altmann, J.-Y. Tourneret, S. McLaughlin, P. Abry)


[2016]  Prix de thèse de la Chaire Abertis Ecole des Ponts IFSTTAR 2016 (en gestion des infrastructure des transports) attribué à Ronan Hamon pour sa thèse préparée dans l'équipe.


[2015]  Prix de thèse "Signal, Image et Visions" 2015 attribué à Nicolas Tremblay pour sa thèse préparée dans l'équipe :

[2016Semestre thématique "Network Science Thematic Semester", organisé à l'ENSL par l'IXXI (dont l'équipe SiSyPhe,) mai-juillet 2016. [More details]


[2015]  Le Colloque GRETSI 2015 s'est tenu à l'ENS de Lyon du 8 au 11 septembre. Merci à tous les participants.