Version | Compilateur | Interconnexion | chemin d'accès | OS |
2.0.3 | N/A | N/A | /applis/PSMN/generic/BRAKER/2.0.3/bin | Generic |
modulefile : BRAKER/2.0.3 |
Pour utiliser les modules, consulter Environment Modules
Braker needs additionals PERL modules installable from CPAN (see Perl5 for CPAN installation/configuration ):
cpan > install File::Spec::Functions > install Hash::Merge > install List::Util > install Logger::Simple > install Module::Load::Conditional > install Sub::Uplevel > install Parallel::ForkManager > install Scalar::Util::Numeric #> install YAML (core module) #> install POSIX (core module)
See also Augustus for additional configuration of –AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH
AUGUSTUS and GeneMark-ET are required for BRAKER.