
  • Dalton
Version Compilateur Interconnexion chemin d'accès OS
2020.0 openmpi 2.0.2 / gcc 6.3.0 Infiniband /applis/PSMN/debian9/software/Local/Dalton/2020.0/full-debian9 Debian 9
module load Dalton/2020.0-full-debian9
2018.2 openmpi 2.0.2 / gcc 6.3.0 Infiniband /applis/PSMN/debian9/software/Local/Dalton/2018.2/full-debian9 Debian 9
module load Dalton/2018.2-full-debian9

Pour utiliser les modules, consulter Environment Modules

DO NOT FORGET to always set a suitable scratch directory:
bash: export DALTON_TMPDIR=/scratch/<cluster>/login/
tcsh: setenv DALTON_TMPDIR /scratch/<cluster>/login/
Dalton is build with hybrid OpenMP/OpenMPI, so :
bash: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$NSLOTS if running on ONE node
bash: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 if running on several nodes

Site officiel

documentation/tools/software/dalton.txt · Dernière modification : 2021/04/14 13:35 de ltaulell