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20231003 / Network problem

We have a unknown network problem. We are working on it.

EDIT: It was a problem with /applis/PSMN stuck in a loop. Solved.

2023/10/03 15:04 · ltaulell

20230927 / ENS de Lyon general power outage

An electrical power outage for maintenance purpose will be held Saturday 21th of October 2023 (12 hours long maintenance).

  • All PSMN infrastructure will be powered off from friday 20th (starting 12h00) to tuesday 24th
    • login nodes, compute nodes & visualization nodes will be POWERED OFF at noon (12h00) friday
  • /scratch/Cascade will be replaced with new hardware, hence
    • all data on scratch/Cascade will be ERASED upon migration
  • you have three WEEK to retrieve remaining data from /scratch/Cascade

See our online documentation:

2023/09/27 15:12 · ltaulell

20230721 / Summer break

Summer break: PSMN will be on minimum staffing, and only respond to urgencies (power outage, cooling outage, fire, …) for the next coming weeks.

Important side note: /scratch/Cascade on Cascade cluster will be replaced (and thus data destroyed) by new hardware on the first weeks of September 2023.

2023/07/21 06:39 · ltaulell

20230719 / Security upgrades

Urgent security upgrades must be perfomed, with reboot. Impacted services: gateways (ssh.psmn, allo-psmn)

2023/07/19 13:20 · ltaulell

20230711 / Urgent upgrades

We have to make urgent hardware upgrades on a few fileservers. These need a reboot afterward, fileservers will be unavailable a few minutes, at most. Expect lags and delays during these upgrades.

impacted services: $HOME and /Xnfs shares (mostly everyone)

2023/07/11 08:55 · ltaulell
news/blog.txt · Dernière modification : 2020/08/25 15:58 de