Accueil du site > Animations Scientifiques > Séminaires 2011 > Philippe Bertrand — Delivery systems with HDAC inhibitors
Philippe Bertrand — Delivery systems with HDAC inhibitors
Speaker :
Philippe Bertrand, Laboratoire "Synthèse et Réactivité des Substances Naturelles", CNRS, Université de Poitiers
When :
Wednesday 28 september at 11am
Where :
C023 (RDC LR6 côté Centre Blaise Pascal)
Title :
Delivery systems with HDAC inhibitors
Abstract :
HDAC are enzymes involved in the regulation of DNA transcription due to their epigenetic mechanism. They are over expressed in several cancer cell lines, favoring the silencing of key regulator genes. The development of HDAC inhibitors has emerged as an innovative strategy in the field of cancer. In order to achieved better clinical results, combination therapies with other epidrugs like demethylating agents are proposed. All these molecules may suffer rapid metabolism or inapropriate biological parameters supporting the development of drug delivery systems applied to epidrugs. This presentation will discuss some results in this context.
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