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You are here: Home / Teams / Regulated Cell Death and Genetics of Neurodegeneration - B. Mollereau / Publications / The Tomato/GFP-FLP/FRT method for live imaging of mosaic adult Drosophila photoreceptor cells.

The Tomato/GFP-FLP/FRT method for live imaging of mosaic adult Drosophila photoreceptor cells.

Pierre Dourlen, Clemence Levet, Alexandre Mejat, Alexis Gambis, and Bertrand Mollereau (2013)

J Vis Exp(79):e50610.

The Drosophila eye is widely used as a model for studies of development and neuronal degeneration. With the powerful mitotic recombination technique, elegant genetic screens based on clonal analysis have led to the identification of signaling pathways involved in eye development and photoreceptor (PR) differentiation at larval stages. We describe here the Tomato/GFP-FLP/FRT method, which can be used for rapid clonal analysis in the eye of living adult Drosophila. Fluorescent photoreceptor cells are imaged with the cornea neutralization technique, on retinas with mosaic clones generated by flipase-mediated recombination. This method has several major advantages over classical histological sectioning of the retina: it can be used for high-throughput screening and has proved an effective method for identifying thefactors regulating PR survival and function. It can be used for kinetic analysesof PR degeneration in the same living animal over several weeks, to demonstrate the requirement for specific genes for PR survival or function in the adult fly.This method is also useful for addressing cell autonomy issues in developmental mutants, such as those in which the establishment of planar cell polarity is affected.

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