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Team's members

Each member can be contacted by e-mail, AT Phone numbers are +33 (0)4 72 72 8x xx.
Full Name Office Team Status
ARBONA Jean-Michel M23 106 JOST CR CNRS
BONTONOU Myriam JOST Chercheur ENS
CROISET Mia M23 101 JOST Ingénieur ENS
D'ASARO Dario M23 106 JOST Doctorant
GITTUS Olivier M3 103 JOST Chercheur - CNRS
JIMENEZ Gabriel M3 103 JOST Post Doctorant
PELLET Nicolas JOST Doctorant
SALARI Hossein JOST Chercheur CNRS
  • LAB members

  • Daniel Jost (DR2 CNRS, PI)

Daniel obtained his PhD in Physics in 2010 from ENS de Lyon for his research on statistical physics of folding and melting of nucleic acids under the supervision of R. Everaers at the Physics lab of ENS de Lyon. For his first post-doc, he joined the laboratory of E. Levine at Harvard University to study small RNA-mediated post-transcriptional regulation aka RNAi. In 2012, he returned to France at the Physics lab of ENS de Lyon as an fixed-term lecturer and started to investigate the role of epigenomics in the spatial organization of chromatin in collaboration with C. Vaillant. He obtained a CNRS permanent research position (Research Associate) in 2014 at the TIMC Institute (Univ Grenoble-Alpes) in the Mathematical and Computational Biology team where he continued working on chromatin organization and regulation. In 2019, he moved back to ENS de Lyon at LBMC as a team leader to integrate his biophysical research activity within a biology institute and to develop new projects on the structure-function relation of chromatin. In 2020, he was recipient of the CNRS Bronze Medal for his early career achievements. In 2022, he was promoted Senior Researcher (DR) by CNRS. Latest CV can be found here.

Twitter: @djost_physbiol

  • Jean-Michel Arbona (CRCN CNRS, Researcher)
  • Geneviève Fourel (DR INSERM, Researcher)

Genevieve is a research director at INSERM since 2001, and presently a PI hosted by Daniel Jost's team. She's been obsessed with understanding gene regulation from A to Z ever since the beginning of her career in Jerry Crabtree's laboratory in 1986, where she was the lucky one who discovered the first tissue-specific transcription factor, HNF1A. She's also interested in understanding gene deregulation in disease, in particular in cancer, which is the other side of the same coin and is instrumental in grasping mechanisms in the healthy state. Over the years, this took her through each layer of genome organization, where she contributed to define basic rules, and she eventually tackled the subject globally with a special attention to the largely neglected repeat sequences. She received awards from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM), from the Ligue contre le Cancer, and from the National Academy of Science for her innovative approaches to cancer.

  • Laurent Modolo (IR CNRS)

Laurent obtained his PhD in biology in 2014 from the Lyon 1 University for his research bioinformatics and statistics methods for the study of genetic horizontal transfers, small RNAs and the dynamics of transposable elements under the supervision of Emmanuel Lera in the LBBE. After a small contract on the development of galaxy pipeline, he joined the Frisén Lab at Karolinska Institutet and the High Dimensional Statistics for Genomics group at the LBBE for his Post-Doc on the analysis of single-cell RNA dans DNA sequencing data under the supervision of Jeff Mold and Franck Picard. Since 2017 Laurent is coordinator of the Biocomputing Hub where he worked on various projects involving the analysis of omics data. Since 2023, he joined, part-time, the Physical Biology of Chromatin lab to work on the calibration of Hi-C data.

  • Hossein Salari (Post-doc)

Twitter: @hosseinsalari65

  • Dario D'Asaro (PhD student)

Dario received his Bachelor (Physics) and Master of Science (Physics of Complex Systems) from the University of Turin. He joined the lab for his M2 and PhD theses, under the co-supervision of D. Jost (LBMC), C. Vaillant (LPENSL) and J.-M. Arbona (LBMC).  His project focuses on investigating the interplay between DNA replication and 3D chromosome organization through polymer physics and biophysical modelling.

  • Myriam Bontonou (Post-doc)

Myriam received her M.Sc. (Biomedical Engineering; Imperial College London) and engineering (Ecole Centrale de Nantes) degrees in 2018. In 2021, she obtained her PhD from IMT Atlantique (Brest, France) for her research on machine learning and its applications to computer vision and neuroimaging under the supervision of M. Jézéquel, V. Gripon and N. Farrugia at the Department of Mathematical and Electrical Engineering. She is now a postdoc in the lab working with J.-M. Arbona in collaboration with P. Borgnat and B. Audit (LPENSL).  Her research interests include deep learning, machine learning and graph signal processing, with a particular interest for applications in functional genomics.

  • Mia Croiset (IE)
  • Nicolas Pellet (PhD student)

Nicolas received his Bachelor (Physics) and Master of Science (Fundamental Physics) from the University of Toulouse. Then, he went on to do a second Master's degree at Paris University on complex fluids and studied the biophysics of type 4 pili at Laboratoire Jean Perrin with Nicolas Biais. He joined the LBMC as a PhD student in September 2023, under the supervision of D. Jost. He is studying the biophysics of condensin-mediated loop extrusion on chromatin.

  • Oliver Gittus (Post-doc)

Oliver received his BSc (Chemical Physics) and MRes (Molecular Modelling and Materials Science) degrees from University College London, where he was awarded the MAPS Faculty Postgraduate Taught Prize. He completed his PhD in Computational Chemical Physics at Imperial College London, sponsored by the Chemistry Doctoral Scholarship Award, where he studied non-isothermal transport phenomena and coupling effects in mixtures, colloids and polar fluids. Broadly speaking, Oliver's research interests are in the theory and simulation of soft matter and fluids. As a postdoc in the Jost Group, he is investigating the biological and polymer physics of chromatin/chromosome organisation in somatic and germ cells - a fascinating and challenging problem! 

Lab Alumni

Paul-Swann Puel (M2 Complex Systems, ENS de Lyon, 2023)

Amith Zafal Abdulla (PhD Student & Postdoc, 2020-2023)

Amir Zeraati (PhD Student, 2021-2022)

Maxime Tortora (Postdoc, 2019-2022)

Nathan Lecouvreur (M2 GenoPath, Lyon 1, 2022)

Suzon Montmartin & Zacharia Tougui (M1 Bioinformatics, Lyon 1, 2022)

Eliane Cassassa (M1 MSIAM, ENSIMAG, 2021)

Audrey Piraud (L3 Polytech Nice Sofia, 2021)

Noémie Quesnel (IE, 2021-2022)

Thomas Boukéké-Lesplulier (L3 Biology, ENS de Lyon, 2020)