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You are here: Home / Teams / Regulation of Genome Architecture and Dynamics of Splicing (ReGArDS) - D. Auboeuf and C. Bourgeois / Publications / Identification of protein features encoded by alternative exons using Exon Ontology

Identification of protein features encoded by alternative exons using Exon Ontology

L. C Tranchevent, F. Aub, L. Dulaurier, C. Benoit-Pilven, A. Rey, A. Poret, E. Chautard, H. Mortada, F. O Desmet, F. Z Chakrama, M. A Moreno-Garcia, E. Goillot, S. Janczarski, F. Mortreux, C. F Bourgeois, and D. Auboeuf (2017)

Genome Res, 27(6):1087–1097.

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