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You are here: Home / Teams / Génétique des Variations Intra-Espèce - G. Yvert-OLD / Publications / Cell-to-cell expression dispersion of B-cell surface proteins is linked to genetic variants in humans.

Cell-to-cell expression dispersion of B-cell surface proteins is linked to genetic variants in humans.

Gérard Triqueneaux, Claire Burny, Orsolya Symmons, Stéphane Janczarski, Henri Gruffat, and Gaël Yvert (2020)

Commun Biol, 3(1):346.

Variability in gene expression across a population of homogeneous cells is known toinfluence various biological processes. In model organisms, natural genetic variantswere found that modify expression dispersion (variability at a fixed mean) but veryfew studies have detected such effects in humans. Here, we analyzed single-cellexpression of four proteins (CD23, CD55, CD63 and CD86) across cell lines derivedfrom individuals of the Yoruba population. Using data from over 30 million cells, wefound substantial inter-individual variation of dispersion. We demonstrate, via denovo cell line generation and subcloning experiments, that this variation exceedsthe variation associated with cellular immortalization. We detected a geneticassociation between the expression dispersion of CD63 and the rs971 SNP. Our resultsshow that human DNA variants can have inherently-probabilistic effects on geneexpression. Such subtle genetic effects may participate to phenotypic variation anddisease outcome.

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