General Outline

The Master 2 in Computer Science is composed of research courses (CR) from September 6, 2021 to January 28, 2022, followed by an internship from January 31 to June 24, 2022. An extended set of 18 courses will open. Each course corresponds to 32 hours (typically 4 hours per week during 8 weeks). Here is a tentative calendar:
– Monday, September 6, 2021: pre-course meeting at 9:30am. Attendance to this meeting is mandatory for all students.
– Wave 1 : weeks starting on 06/09, 13/09, 20/09, 27/09, 04/10, 11/10, 18/10, 25/10, 01/11 and 08/11, with a vacation week (Toussaint). 9 courses will take place during wave 1.
– Wave 2 : weeks starting on 15/11, 23/11, 30/11, 07/12, 14/12, 04/01, 11/01, 18/01 et 25/01, with two vacation weeks starting on 20/12 et 27/12 (Christmas). 9 courses will take place during wave 2.
– Full-time internship from 31/01 to 24/06, 2022. Defense of internship reports will take place on June 27-28, 2022 (to be confirmed).

Latest Information

Updated schedule and latest info will be available on a read-only password-protected pad (more info will be provided later).


List of Courses (for full description follow the link CRxx — some links to be updated soon):

  • CR01: Concentration of measure in probability and large-scale machine learning, Guillaume Aubrun, Aurélien Garivier and Rémi Gribonval (ENS Lyon) — this course is joint with the Master of Advanced Mathematics
  • CR02: The structure of graphs of high chromatic number, Marthe Bonamy (CNRS Bordeaux) and Stephan Thomassé (ENS Lyon)
  • CR03: Logical Foundations of Programming Languages, Olivier Laurent and Colin Riba (ENS Lyon)
  • CR04: Mathematical aspects of automata theory, Denis Kuperberg and Matteo Mio (ENS Lyon)
  • CR05: Floating-point arithmetic and beyond, Sylvie Boldo, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Guillaume Melquiond and Jean-Michel Muller (LRI Orsay, ENS Lyon)
  • CR06: Computability theory and applications, Ludovic Patey (Institut Camille Jordan, UCB Lyon)
  • CR07: Complex networks, Rémi Cazabet (LIRIS, UCB Lyon)
  • CR08: Learning for Graphics, Graphics for Learning, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis (Inria Sophia) and Guillaume Cordonnier (ETH Zurich)
  • CR09: Interactive and Non-Interactive Proofs in Complexity and Cryptography, Alain Passelègue (ENS Lyon) and Geoffroy Couteau (IRIF Paris)
  • CR10: Post-quantum cryptography, Philippe Gaborit (U. Limoges), Damien Stehlé (ENS Lyon) and Benjamin Wesolowski (CNRS Bordeaux)
  • CR11: Algebraic methods and program correctness, graphs and automata, Amina Doumane, Damien Pous (ENS Lyon) and Georg Struth (University of Sheffield, UK)
  • CR12: Computer-aided proofs and combinatorial exploration, Pascal Ochem (LIRMM Montpellier) and Michael Rao (ENS Lyon)
  • CR13: Graph Decompositions, Édouard Bonnet, Stéphan Thomassé and Rémi Watrigant
  • CR14: Static Analysis for Optimizing Compilers, Christophe Alias, Laure Gonnord and Yannick Zakowski (ENS Lyon)
  • CR15: Resource optimization for linear system solvers, Grégoire Pichon, Bora Uçar and Frédéric Vivien (ENS Lyon)
  • CR16: Program verification with coinduction and proof assistants, Damien Pous and Yannick Zakowski (ENS Lyon)
  • CR17: Large scale sustainable distributed resource management, Eddy Caron, Elise Jeanneau and Laurent Lefevre (ENS Lyon)
  • CR18: Distributed algorithms, Vivien Quéma (IMAG Grenoble)

Pre-course Meeting: A pre-course meeting will take place on Monday, September 6, 2021 at 9.30am, Amphi B. Attendance to this meeting is mandatory for all students. The general organization of the year and a description of the courses will be provided. Courses start on Monday, September 6, at 1:30pm.

Training Period: A mandatory full-time training period takes place from Monday, January 24 up to Friday, June 24, 2022. An information session about topics and locations for the training period will be organized in September. Basically, the goal is to research in a laboratory (anywhere on earth), write a report and make an oral presentation in the end. Training periods will be defended on June 27 and 28, 2022 (tentative dates).

Schedule: Courses start on September 6 at 1:30pm. Exams will be held at the end of each wave (for those courses with a final). Again, the detailed weekly schedule will be available on the Inria pad mentioned above. This pad will be updated on a regular basis, check it often.

Rules of the Game: To obtain their degree, CS Master students must complete 60 credits including the internship (30 credits) and four courses (5 credits each) in the above list of CR1 to CR18. To summarize, there are 50 mandatory credits out of 60 and 10 remaining credits that can be picked elsewhere. While a typical choice by many students is 6 CR courses and the internship, the extra courses for the 10 remaining credits can be chosen in other masters, e.g.:
– CS courses in the M2 offered by Univ. Lyon 1
– courses from other ENS departments, often Mathematics ( or Complex Systems (

The diploma delivered by ENS Lyon is M2 Informatique Fondamentale, and computer science must remain at the heart of the curriculum. In particular, the training period must be oriented towards research in core computer science (possibly applied to other disciplines).

Formal Validation: To meet the quality requirements of our program, all course choices must be approved by the academic tutor and the head of the Master 2 program. Administrative registration to chosen courses is mandatory and takes place in early October, after a trial period.

Course validation: At the end of each course, there is an evaluation based upon a research presentation, or a written exam, or both. Many professors also give exercises during the span of the course. The research presentation consists of reviewing and synthesizing a research paper, and usually involves writing a short report in addition to the oral presentation. Research presentations are time-consuming, hence it is expected that students have a balanced set of courses per each wave. Indeed, the main motivation for the waves is to help students organize their schedules and avoid having 6 research presentations to defend on the same week; instead, having 3 presentations in the first wave and 3 in the second wave is much more likely to succeed!

Please refer to the rules of the Master here

Contact: Zoe Michal-Sihalath (admin) or Yves Robert (head of M2)