This page gathers useful informations for students following the first year of Master in Computer Science at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
The rules for the Master are here. See here for a description of the year.
Slides of the meeting of sept. 25th, 2018. Slides of the meeting of jan. 14th, 2019.
The internship defenses will take place on sept. 4th (the whole day) and 5th (in the morning), 2019, at ENS de Lyon. Stay tuned for the schedule of these presentations.
ENSL Diploma.
You can find here the “Livret du diplôme” for the academical year 2018-2019.
PhDs and PhD grants.
A meeting was organised on november 16th, at 16h15, in amphi B, about PhDs and PhD grants.
Class representants.
Théophile Dubuc and Antonin Dudermel are your class representants this year.
Second semester.
Courses offered: CGDI (David Coeurjolly), DBDM (Emmanuel Coquery et Marc Plantevit), ML (Marc Sebban), SV (Colin Riba), CS (Omar Fawzi), DS (Eddy Caron), CC (Omar Fawzi), PP (Philippe Audebaud), CA (Guillaume Hanrot et Stéphan Thomassé).
Schedule: note that the Integrated Project course will resume its activities on friday, january 25th, at 13.30
Here is the typical schedule. Local changes might apply.
Weekly schedules are available on a shared document — you should have received a link. If not, please write to Suzanne Zeitounian to get the access.
Holidays: 18/02-22/02, 15/04-22/04 — Final exams: between 23/04 and 30/04, schedule to be defined.
Here is the fiche de choix de modules (choice of courses), to be left in D. Hirschkoff’s “mailbox” before feb. 12th at noon.
First semester.
Courses offered: CAP (Laure Gonnord), IT (Omar Fawzi, TDs), PEN (Éric Thierry, TDs), OA (Nicolas Bousquet), APPD (Anne Benoit), Integrated Project (Eddy Caron).
Here is the typical weekly schedule for the first semester.
Weekly schedules: 14-18 jan. – 7-11 jan. – 17-21 dec. – 10-14 dec. – 3-7 dec. – 19-23 nov – 5-9 nov – 22-26 oct – 15-19 oct – 8-12 oct – 1-5 oct 24-28 sept 17-21 sept. 10-15 sept.
Holidays: 29/10-3/11, and 22/12-5/1 — Final exams: january 21-25, here is the schedule.
Here is the fiche de choix de modules (choice of courses), to be left in D. Hirschkoff’s “mailbox” before sept. 26th at noon.
Midterm exams APPD nov. 5th, PEN nov. 5th, CAP nov. 8th, IT nov 8th, OA nov 20th.
Research schools.
Two research schools are organised, in the weeks 12-16 nov. and 26-30 nov. During those weeks, no course and no TD in M1 (language courses go on, and you are supposed to attend). See the appropriate web page.
Back to school.
The welcome reception of the Computer Science Department will be on sept. 17th, at 16.00, at the IFÉ (Institut Français de l’Éducation).
A mandatory meeting took place on sept. 10th, at 9h00, in Amphi A. See here the slides of the presentation, and here for slides of the centre de langues.
Students who were at ENSL in L3 in 2017-2018 did their administrative registration on friday, sept. 7th.