This page gathers useful informations for students following the first year of Master in Computer Science at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. See here for a description of the M1 year. Here for the rules of the game.
Back to school.
A (mandatory) meeting is organised on sept. 13th, at 14h30, in amphi B. The organisation of the year, and several other relevant topics, will be discussed.
Slides of the presentations: general presentation, language department, new diploma of ENSL.
A meeting of the whole Département d’Informatique will take place on monday, sept. 19th, at 16h00, at the Maison des Mathématiques et de l’Informatique (next to the round square which is close to the Monod site of ENS).
First semester.
Here is the schedule for the first courses, starting from september 14th. Here is the typical schedule for the semester. [ Here is the schedule for the week 19-23 sept. Here is the schedule for the week 26-30 sept. Here is the schedule for the week 3-7 oct. ]
The schedules of the following weeks will be variations on this one.
Here is the “fiche de choix de modules”, to be printed, signed with your tutor, and given to D. Hirschkoff, before oct, the 4th sept. the 27th, at noon (write an email in advance if you know that you’ll be late, for some reason).
Partiels (midterm exams) and handouts of which I am aware of (beware, this list is not necessarily exaustive — refer to the teachers for the full information): APPD midterm, october 26th, 13h30-15h30. APPD homework: to be determined (assignment available on nov. 7th); TI midterm, nov. 4th, 10h15-12h15. OA midterm: oct. 25th, 10h15-12h15; CAP midterm: oct 24th, 13h30-15h30; EPR midterm: nov. 9th.
Holidays will start on saturday, dec. 17th, and end on january 2nd (courses will resume on tuesday, jan. 3rd).
Here is the schedule for the exams for the first semester.
[this is intentionally in french] Si vous envisagez de préparer l’agrégation de mathématiques l’an prochain, il est conseillé de valider un module dès cette année.
Research schools.
You have to follow and validate at least 2 of the research schools that are offered, in Lyon and Sophia Antipolis. See here for the dedicated webpage.
The fiche de choix d’écoles de recherche, to be given for november 15th, at noon, is available here.
Important notice for the Research Schools organised in Sophia-Antipolis: please make sure to register to the school (follow the links to the dedicated webpage). You may ask for help in order to find an accomodation there.
Second semester.
Holidays: there will be two weeks of holidays during the second semester, in winter (february 19-26) and in spring (april 16-23).
Here is the weekly schedule, as of january 5th. The planned week for the exams is may 15-19, some exams may take place in the preceding week. Here is the “fiche de choix de modules”. The deadline is march 7th, at noon.
Projet intégré: sessions on feb. 13th, feb. 27th, mar. 6th, mar. 13th. Demo on april 7th, final meeting on april 10th.
Midterm exams: CS on march 30th, 8.00-10.00.
Schedule of the last weeks of teaching : 24-28 april, 2-5 may, 9-12 may.
Schedule of the final exams: here.
Slides of the meeting which took place on october 10th.Stay tuned for a page describing the procedure to prepare the internship contract (convention de stage).
The presentations of the internships will take place on september 5th and 6th, in Lyon.
Next year.
Most of the M1 students proceed along one of the following paths after validating the M1:
- Study in M2, either at ENS Lyon or somewhere else (in France, abroad).
- Follow a year of preparation for the agrégation de mathématiques.
- Spend a year doing (research) internships, in France and/or abroad.
This is something you should keep in mind along the year of M1, and prepare ahead of time.
Means of communication.
The class representants are R. Cerda and T. Sterin.