For information, here are the slides of the general M2 presentation at the pre-course meeting: PresentationM2-2016.
And here is the “fiche de choix de modules”, to be filled, signed by your tutor, and returned by October 6: Modules-M2IF.
For information, here are the slides of the general M2 presentation at the pre-course meeting: PresentationM2-2016.
And here is the “fiche de choix de modules”, to be filled, signed by your tutor, and returned by October 6: Modules-M2IF.
Here are the rules for the Master Sciences, Mention Informatique, Parcours Informatique Fondamentale (sorry, only in French): ReglementMaster16-17.
Please note that rooms and times may be subject to changes.
Last modifications: December 6 (more modifications in s49, s50, s01 and s02).
The typical timetable for the M2 in 2016-2017 is the following: Edt-Type.
Timetables for each week are posted here for convenience (subject to changes).
List of courses (for full description follow the link CRxx):
Unfortunately, everything is in French, so if you don’t understand how to proceed, please ask a fellow student to help, and if needed, please contact the internship responsible (Laurent Lefèvre for the M2 students).
For your information, here are the modalities of evaluation for all M2 courses.
CR01: The students are given research articles twice. Each time, they give an oral presentation based on these articles. The first one counts as continuous evaluation (CE), the second one as final evaluation (FE). The final note is given by (CE+2FE)/3.
CR02: There is homework for continuous evaluation (CE). The students are given research articles, they produce a written report and give an oral presentation based on these articles (FE). The final note is given by (CE+2FE)/3.
CR03: There is homework for continuous evaluation (CE). The students are given research articles, they produce a written report and give an oral presentation based on these articles (FE). The final note is given by (CE+2FE)/3.
CR04: There is homework for continuous evaluation (CE). The students choose research articles, they produce a written report and give an oral presentation based on these articles (FE). The final note is given by (CE+FE)/2.
CR05: 3 homeworks for continuous evaluation (CE); written report and give an oral presentation based on a research article for final evaluation (FE). The final note is given by (CE+2FE)/3.
CR06: Two mini-projects counting each for 1/4 of the final grade. One final exam counting for the last half.
CR07: Two homeworks for continuous evaluation (CE1,CE2). The students are given research articles, they produce a written report and give an oral presentation based on these articles (FE). The final note is given by ((CE1+CE2)/2+2FE)/3.
CR08: Grades will be based on a final exam and on the presentation of a research article, each contributing to one half of the grade.
CR09: The students are given research articles, they produce a written report (WR/20) (between 8 and 20 pages). We will do a cross review. One report of another given student report (1 or 2 pages maximum) will be done (RR/20). And student gives an oral presentation based on these articles (OP/5). Questions should be done by students (Q/5). The final note is given by (3WR+3OP+2*(RR+Q))/7
CR10: The students are asked to write a static analyser for a mini language (AS). The students are given research articles, they give an oral presentation based on these articles (FE). The final note is given by (AS+FE)/2.
CR11: There will be a programming project (6pts, due after the mid-term break), a modeling project (7pts, due after the end-of-term break) and a written exam (7pts).
CR12: The final grade for the CR12 course is computed as follows: small exercices to be handed each week, during the first half of the course, count for 1/4 of the grade; a mid term exam counts for 1/4 of the grade; a final exam counts for 1/2 of the grade.
CR13: There is homework for continuous evaluation (CE). The students have also a final evaluation (FE) based on a written exam at the end of the course. The final note is given by max(FE,(CE+2FE)/3).
CR14: There is homework (based on the content of lectures as well as the study of research papers) for continuous evaluation (CE). There is a written exam (2h) for final examination (FE). The final note is given by (CE+2FE)/3.
CR15: The evaluation of the CR15 Complex Networks course will depend on whether the student is involved in the M2 Complex System program or not. If yes then the student’s participation will be mandatory to the TD, which is evaluated through projects during the semester and the final mark will count as 1/3 to the final overall mark. In addition every student has to pass a written exam by the end of the semester for the lecture, which will count with 2/3 weight in the final evaluation. If the student is not involved in the Complex System program only the written exam is mandatory, which result will determine 100% the final mark. On the other hand even these students have the option to participate to the TDs, complete the projects and get a TD mark. In this case the student will have the advantage to gain the better mark gained with or without the TD results.
CR16: The students will be proposed research articles about which they need to produce a report (with some numerical applications of the content of the article) and an oral presentation. The report and presentation are used for the note.
CR17: Two homeworks (counting each for DM/2) and one final exam (DS). The final grade is (DM+2DS)/3.
CR18: The students are given 3 homework assignments for continuous evaluation (CE). At the end of the semester, students are asked to study and orally present research articles (FE). The final note is given by (CE+2FE)/3.
CR19: There is homework for continuous evaluation (CE). The students are given research articles, they produce a written report and have an exam based on these articles (FE). The final note is given by (CE+2FE)/3.
Here are the rules for the Master Sciences, Mention Informatique, Parcours Informatique Fondamentale (sorry, only in French): ReglementMaster
And here are the rules specific to the M2 complex systems program: Rules-M2SC-2015-2016
An internship is part of the curriculum in L3, M1 and M2.