Admission via competitive entrance examination provides entering students with the status of "student probationary official" at ENS ("normalien"), with 4 years of remuneration for French applicants, as well as applicants from other European Community member states or other states within the European Economic Area. Students receive €1,500 gross per month, and are committed to serve the French state for a 10-year period (academic years included). A grant of €1,000 per month for up to 3 years is attributed to the best foreign applicant of each "series" (foreign students from a non-EEC country or a country outside the European Economic Area).
Admission via application dossier provides entering students with the status of "ENS student" ("auditor"). Students enjoy access to ENS instruction and all ENS laboratories. They can actively participate in all aspects of campus life. They also enjoy access to all ENS facilities and services. The Ampère scholarship programme at ENS Lyon offers excellent international students scholarships of €1,000 per month for a period of one year to integrate the Master 1 or Master 2.
International exchange programmes also provide entering students with the status of "ENS student". Students enjoy access to all modules of instruction offered by ENS Lyon and to all ENS laboratories. Their completed coursework is recognized by their home university (though they may not obtain an ENS licence, master's or PhD degree). They can actively participate in all aspects of campus life, and enjoy access to all ENS facilities and services.
All french or international students ("normaliens" or "auditors") of our bachelor and master programs are also students of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. They have access to all the laboratories, facilities and services of the University, and can actively participate in all aspects of the "La Doua campus" life, where the University is located.