M1 Courses

The M1 year includes an obligatory core programme, as well as optional courses.


M1 programme

  • The M1 year is divided into two semesters (S1 and S2), from September to the end of December and from mid-January to the end of July. The 12-week research internship is carried out at the end of the second semester, from May to July.
  • Two programmes are offered: the "Chemistry Major" and the "Physics Major". For each Major, the programme comprises compulsory modules and disciplinary courses. In addition, each student must attend the Wednesday seminars.



    First semester
    S1 compulsory Courses
    Title (en)
    English 1
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Seminars and professionalization
    _ ECTS
    Majeure chimie
    Title (en)
    Experimental Chemistry 1
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Experimental chemistry 2
    3 ECTS
    Majeure Physique
    Title (en)
    Experimental Physics 1
    3 ECTS
    Disciplinary S1 Courses
    Title (en)
    Condensed Matter Physics
    6 ECTS
    Chemistry Major
    Title (en)
    Catalysis : from principles to industrial scale
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    d-block : basic concepts and principles
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Quantum modelisation of molecules
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Quantum modelisation of materials
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Basic principles of NMR spectroscopy
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    StereoChemistry 1 : principles
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    From solids to materials : structure/properties relationships
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Sustainable chemistry
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    3 ECTS
    Physics Major
    Title (en)
    Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics II
    6 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Fluid dynamics
    6 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Advanced Quantum Mechanics
    6 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Soft Condensed Matter
    6 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Numerical physics
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Signal and images in physics
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Green Functions and Applications
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Tensors and geometry
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Electrodynamics and classical field theory
    3 ECTS
    Compulsory S2 Courses
    Title (en)
    English 2
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Seminars and professionalization
    3 ECTS
    Majeure Chimie
    Title (en)
    Experimental project
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    3-month research internship
    12 ECTS
    Majeure Physique
    Title (en)
    Experimental Physics 2
    6 ECTS
    Title (en)
    3-month research internship
    12 ECTS
    Disciplinary S2 Courses
    Title (en)
    Point de vue sur un thème de recherche actuel
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Climate and Energy transition
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Machine learning in Physics and Chemistry
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Computer Simulations of Many Particle Systems
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Molecular Dynamics
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Molecular Biology and Genetics
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Biological cells and tissues
    3 ECTS
    Majeure Chimie
    Title (en)
    Chemistry of Biological Systems
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    d-block elements : analysis and applications
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Stereochemistry 2: applications
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Strategies and trends in organic chemsitry
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Metal-based catalysis in organic chemistry
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Structural characterisation of materials
    3 ECTS
    Majeure Physique
    Title (en)
    Lasers and Matter
    6 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Supraconductivity, superfluidity and Magnetism
    6 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Free field quantification
    6 ECTS
    Title (en)
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Groups and Symmetries
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Physics of Biological Systems
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Granular media and fracture
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Quantum Optics
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Introduction to Particle Physics
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Introduction to general relativity
    3 ECTS
    Title (en)
    Fundamental concepts in Chemistry
    3 ECTS
    Special Semester
    21 ECTS
    30 ECTS