M2 Chemistry, concepts and applications

The Chemistry course programme for the Physics & Chemistry M2 seeks to best prepare students for the research profession. This training programme allows students to specialize in a sub-discipline of chemistry, and even in other related and/or emerging disciplines.

Our M2 training programme stands out for four key features:

  • Very effective preparation for the 2nd-semester experimental research placement, thanks to a bibliographic research placement (with report and oral examination) carried out during the first semester.
  • A tailor-made jury for both oral examinations, by inviting two expert jury members specialized in the subject of your research placement. 
  • The opportunity to pursue personalized theoretical training (validated during the first semester), by choosing from among various modules of chemistry or other disciplines. 

A short presentation (in English) is available here.

Our Chemistry M2 allows you to freely choose the laboratory and location of your research placement in France, in Europe and overseas, with the approval of your programme directors. This freedom reflects our desire to internationalize your training, because international experience is essential for today's young researchers.

Close supervision and ever available and attentive teachers guarantee the proper monitoring and accompaniment of your studies and career project.

We particularly encourage applications from students who have not followed our L3 and M1 training programmes at ENS Lyon. In addition, the "International Master" label obtained via the Université de Lyon clearly illustrates our mission to welcome talented and motivated students from abroad. Insertion constraints, caused by the language barrier, concern principally the theoretical courses that make up only 30% of the year's coursework. Validation of 70% of the modules (principally the research placement reports and oral examinations) is generally carried out in English.

Students must validate UEs (unités d'enseignement or "study units") to obtain a minimum of 60 ECTS credits (30 ECTS credits by semester).  They thereby obtain a "Science, Technology and Health" M2 in "Physics & Chemistry" from the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.

Among those, 30 ECTS must be validated on 1st semester, including 12 ECTS associated to the bibliographic reports. The 18 remaining ECTS consist in courses, including a minimum of 12 ECTS validated within the internal catalogue offer UEs SdM au choix.

30 ECTS must be validated through a  reseach internship (5 months minimum) in the 2nd semester.

Classes and tutorials are given in French or English according to student demand.

The M2 Chemistry course is accessible as a continuation of the Physics & Chemistry M1 year, but also directly by external application after selection based on the academic file..

more information can be found on "useful links" panel