List of courses (for full description follow the link CRxx):
- CR01: Optimal Decision Making and Online Optimization, Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Bruno Gaujal.
- CR02: Computational Geometry, Monique Teillaud and Olivier Devillers.
- CR03: Hard lattice problems, Damien Stehlé.
- CR04: Automata, coinduction, and relation algebra, Damien Pous.
- CR05: Monadic Second Order Logic, Automata, Expressivity and Decidability, Matteo Mio and Denis Kuperberg.
- CR06: Implicit Computational Complexity, Patrick Baillot and Olivier Laurent.
- CR07: Models of concurrency, categories, and games, Pierre Clairambault and Glynn Winskel.
- CR08: Scheduling at scale, Yves Robert.
- CR09: Advanced Topics in Scalable Data Management, Eddy Caron and Marcos Dias de Assuncao
- CR10: Software Engineering & Compilation, Sebastien Mosser and Laure Gonnord.
- CR11: Mathematical Methods for Image Synthesis, Nicolas Bonneel and Julie Digne.
- CR12: Modeling and performance evaluation of computer and communications system, Philippe Nain.
- CR13: Computational Topology, Francis Lazarus and Arnaud de Mesmay.
- CR14: Network Information Theory, Jean-Marie Gorce and Samir M. Perlaza. Sorry, this course will not open this year but later in 2018-2019.
- CR15: Complex Networks, Eric Fleury and Marton Karsai.
- CR16: Lower bound methods, Pascal Koiran, Omar Fawzi, and Stéphan Thomassé.
- CR17: Graph Decompositions: From Tree-Width to Perfect Graphs, Nicolas Trotignon and Stéphan Thomassé.
Winter schools: Information will be provided later on. The three schools will take place on week 49 (starting Monday Dec. 4), on week 3 (starting Monday Jan. 15) and on week 4 (starting Monday Jan. 22).
Pre-course meeting: A (mandatory) pre-course meeting will take place on Monday, September 11 at 9.30am, Amphi B. The general organization of the year and a description of the courses will be provided.
Schedule: Courses start September 11 at 1:30pm. Autumn holidays are October 28-November 5. Winter holidays are December 23-January 7. Exams will be held on week 2 (starting Monday Jan. 8), for a subset of courses. The detailed schedule is available here:
This page is read-only and password protected (password is ‘m2info17’). The page is updated on a regular basis, check it often.
On Thursday October 12 at 12:15pm, right after the CR15 course, there is a meeting about the training period (or internship). Come ofr information and prepare your questions!
Validation: To obtain their degree, CS Master students must complete 60 credits including the internship (30 credits), three winter schools (2 credits each) and four courses (4 credits each) in the above list. A typical choice is 6 courses, 3 schools and the internship; the extra courses can be chosen either in the CS courses or in the other departments. To meet the quality requirements of our program, the course choices must be approved by the academic tutor and the head of the Master 2 program. Administrative registration is mandatory. Please refer to the rules of the Master here
Contact: Yves Robert