Cours : Daniel Hirschkoff
TD : Adrien Durier & Alexis Ghyselen & Julien Braine
Programming languages and programs are usually not built as mathematical entities, but rather as technological objets (whose properties can be described as rigorously as possible, in manuals or standards).
This course is about the semantics of programming languages, which provides mathematical tools that make it possible
- to describe and analyse the statics of programs: what are the constructs made available by the language, what can be read on the code (about the usage of functions, the managment of resources, the risk of errors like division by zero or getting into an infinite loop);
- to do the same for the dynamics of programs: how a program is supposed to run, what resources are involved at execution time, etc.
- to discuss translations from a language to another (which is called compilation), and, more generally, to describe programs that manipulate programs.
- G. Winskel, The semantics of programming languages, MIT Press.
- J. Reynolds, Theories of Programming Languages, CUP.
- a web page dedicated to the course will be made available from
The course consists in 2 hours of lecture per week, together with 2 hours of exercices (on machine, or on paper).
Le cours est organisé selon le schéma hebdomadaire suivant: 2h de cours; 2h de travaux pratiques sur machine; des devoirs à la maison à faire en binôme, un partiel, un examen.