Justin Romberg
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech
ENS Lyon, Site Jacques Monod.
Room: Amphitheater B – 3rd floor
(local correspondant: Paulo Gonçalves)
Basis decompositions and frames (3-4 hours)
[notation, basis, frames, dct-notes, wavelets, sparsity-overview]
- fundamentals of basis and frame decompositions
- the discrete cosine transform and applications to image/video compression
- the lapped orthogonal transform
- wavelets
- thresholding for noise reduction
Sparsest decomposition from a dictionary (3-4 hours)
[lecture-2-1-sparseapprox, lecture-2-2-bp, lecture-2-3-upsparse]
- omp and basis pursuit for selecting atoms
- uncertainty principles and sparsest decomposition
- the « spikes+sines » dictionary
- general unions of orthobases
Introduction to compressive sampling and applications (2 hours)
Recovering sparse vectors from linear measurements (6 hours/ 1 day)
- review of classical least-squares theory:
- the svd, pseudo-inverse, stability analysis, regularization
- sparse recovery conditions: l1 duality
- sparsest decomposition revisited (with random support)
- the restricted isometry property and sparse recovery
- l1 for perfect recovery from noise-free measurements
- l1 stability
- l2 stability
Random matrices are restricted isometries (2 hours)
Optimization (6 hours / 1 day)
- conjugate gradients
- newton iterations
- newton iterations
- log-barrier methods
- first-order l1 solvers
- greedy algorithms and iterative thresholding
- recursive least-squares
- the Kalman filter
- dynamic l1 updating
Low-rank recovery (2 hours)
Monday 9: 10:00am – 12:00am ; 2:00pm – 5:00pm (5 hours)
Tuesday 10: 9:30am – 12:00am ; 2:00pm – 5:00pm (5,5 hours)
Wednesday 11: 9:30am – 12:00am ; 2:00pm – 5:00pm (5,5 hours)
Thursday 12: 9:30am – 12:30pm ; free afternoon (3 hours)
Friday 13: 9:00am – 12:00am ; 2:00pm – 4:00pm (5 hours)