This page gathers useful informations for students following the first year of Master in Computer Science at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. See here for a description of the M1 year. Here for the rules of the game.
Back to school.
A (mandatory) meeting is organised on sept. 8th, at 9h00, in amphi B. The organisation of the year, and several other relevant topics, will be discussed. There will also be two courses on that day (Integrated Project and Optimisation&Approximation), the second one will finish at 15h30 — see below, “First semester”.
See here about the administrative procedure to register at ENSL. Students who were at ENSL in L3 will register on monday, sept. 11th. There will also be some exercise sessions on that day.
Slides of the presentations (to be provided): general presentation, language department.
A meeting of the whole Département d’Informatique will take place on sept. 18th, at 16.00 at Bâtiment Buisson.
First semester.
Here is the typical schedule for the first semester. Nota: local modifications can occur along the semester.
Here is the schedule for the first courses (sept. 8th-15th). Here is the schedule for the week 18-22 sept., Here is the schedule for the week 25-29 sept., Here is the schedule for the week 2-6 oct., Here is the schedule for the week 9-15 oct., Here is the schedule for the week 16-22 oct. Here is the schedule for the week 23-29 oct. Here is the schedule for the week 6-10 nov. Here is the schedule for the week 13-17 nov. Here is the schedule for the week 20-24 nov. Here is the schedule for the week 27 nov.-1 dec.
The week 4-9 dec. will be devoted to a Research School: see here for informations (including the schedule).
Here is the schedule for the week 11-15 dec. Here is the schedule for the week 18-22 dec.
Here is the “fiche de choix de modules”, to be left in D. Hirschkoff’s mailbox on sept. 26th at noon at the latest.
Holidays: from oct. 28th to nov. 5th, and from dec. 23th to jan. 7th.
CAE sessions (english certification) will be on january 13th, march 24th and june 23rd.
Final exams will take place during the week starting on jan. 8th, 2018. See here for the schedule.
Research schools.
Three research schools will be organised, during the weeks dec. 4th, jan. 15th and jan 22nd. More information here.
Here is the “fiche de choix d’écoles de recherche”, to be left in D. Hirschkoff’s mailbox before november 27th at noon.
Second semester.
Holidays: there will be two weeks of holidays during the second semester, in winter (february 19-26) and in spring (april 16-23).
Here is the “fiche de choix de modules”, to be left in D. Hirschkoff’s mailbox on feb. 13th at noon at the latest.
Here is the schedule for the week 29 jan – 2 feb. Here is the schedule for the week 5-9 feb. Here is the schedule for the week 12-16 feb. Here is the schedule for the week 26 feb.-2 march. Here is the schedule for the week 5-9 march. Here is the schedule for the week 12-16 march. Here is the schedule for the week 19-23 march. Here is the schedule for the week 26-30 march. Here is the schedule for the week 3-6 april. Here is the schedule for the week 9-13 april.
Midterm exams (of which I am aware of, the reference is what the teachers say): CS march 13th, 15.45-17.45. SV march 14th, 13.30-15.30, CC march 13th, 10.15, DS march 12th, 13.30-15.30.
Monday, april 2nd is a holiday (Easter). As a consequence, the CA course that cannot take place will be on wednesday, march 28th, between 18.00 and 20.00. Stay tuned for the DS course that should be on april 2nd.
Final exams will take place in the week 23-27 april. The schedule is available here.
See the slides of the meeting of oct. 20th, 2017. Stay tuned for some advice about the preparation of the internship contract (remember that the first step from this point of view is to ask whether the hosting institution is willing to sign the contract given by UCBL). Stay tuned also for some advice about the preparation of the internship report and of the defense.
The person in charge of M1 internships is Frédéric Vivien.
Here are the slides of the presentation given on february 12th, 2018.
Some useful files, provided by the bureau des stages: Template internship agreement, aide à la saisie sous Elipse, guide Elipse
Schedule: report due on august 28th, at noon; presentations on september 5th and 6th.
Here is the current version of the schedule for the presentations — make sure to look at it a few days before the presentations, because changes may occur.
Next year.
Most of the M1 students proceed along one of the following paths after validating the M1:
- Study in M2, either at ENS Lyon or somewhere else (in France, abroad).
- Follow a year of preparation for the agrégation de mathématiques.
[this is intentionally in french] Si vous envisagez de préparer l’agrégation de mathématiques l’an prochain, il est conseillé de valider un module de dès cette année. Voir ceci et ceci pour cela.
- Spend a year doing (research) internships, in France and/or abroad.
- Double diplomas (here, and also here for EPFL).
This is something you should keep in mind along the year of M1, and prepare ahead of time.
Means of communication.
The class representants are L. Assouline, S. Fernandez, U. Léchine and P. Oechsel.