
Agenda de l'ENS de Lyon

Workshop - Post-Western Theory and Sociology of Emotions

ven 10 mar 2023




  • Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at CNRS, HDR in sociology, French Director of the IAL Post-Western Sociology in China and in Europe, Triangle, ENS Lyon
  • Daishiro Nomiya, Professor of sociology, Chuo University, Director and Program Chair Global Sociology, Vice-president of the East Asian Sociological Association
  • Elise Domenach, Associate Professor in philosophy at ENS Lyon , HDR in cinema studies, Institut d’Asie Orientale : Japanese documentary cinema 2011-2013 : l
  • Christine Détrez, Professor of sociology at ENS Lyon, Director of Centre Max Weber
Langue(s) des interventions
Description générale

Sociologies in dialogue and Post-Western Theory
À l'occasion de la venue de Daishiro Nomiya, professeur de sociologie à l'Université de Chu, Tokyo, et Sari Hanafi, professeur de sociologie à l'Université Américaine de Beyrouth, plusieurs workshops et séminaires seront organisés sur la problématique  "Sociologies in dialogue and Post-Western theory" dans l'idée d'ouvrir un espace de discussion sur l'internationalisation et la circulation des savoirs en sciences sociales, notamment en sociologie. En savoir plus

Programme du 10 mars

1:30 pm-1:50 pm :Introduction by Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at CNRS, HDR in sociology, French Director of the IAL Post-Western Sociology in China and in Europe, Triangle, ENS Lyon: Post- Western sociology, Emotions and Individuation

1:50 pm- 2:10 pm :Daishiro Nomiya, Professor of sociology, Chuo University, Director and Program Chair Global Sociology, Vice-president of the East Asian Sociological Association : Voice of the Dead:Hibakusha Collective Memory against the Western Ethos

2:10 pm-2:40pm: discussion

2:40 pm-3:00 pm :Elise Domenach, Associate Professor in philosophy at ENS Lyon , HDR in cinema studies, Institut d’Asie Orientale : Japanese documentary cinema 2011-2013 : listening (to), noticing and acknowledging the Fukushima victims"

Elise Domenach is an associate professor in Film studies at Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon. She is a film and philosophy scholar, member of the Institute for Asian Studies. She participated in the edition and translation of Stanley Cavell’s philosophy in French, editing and co-translating Le cinéma nous rend-il meilleurs ? (Bayard, 2010), co-translating A Pitch of Philosophy (Bayard, 2003) and Cities of Words (Flammarion, 2011). Her recent researches are in the field of contemporary Japanese cinema and Asian ecocinema. She is the author of Stanley Cavell, le cinéma et le scepticisme (Presses Universitaires de France, 2011), of Fukushima in Film. Voices from the Japanese Cinema (Presses de l’Université de Tokyo, 2015, L’écran de nos pensées. Stanley Cavell, le cinéma et la philosophie (dir., ENS Editions, 2021), and Le Paradigme Fukushima au cinéma. Ce que voir veut dire (2011-2013) (Mimesis, 2022). As film critic she has been a member of the editorial board and contributor at Esprit and Positif for almost twenty years.

She will draw on her recent essay on Fukushima cinema (Le paradigme Fukushima au cinéma (2011-2013). Ce que voir veut dire, Mimesis, 2022) to comment on different documentary film strategies to attend to the voices of Fukushima victims, to collect their testimonies, to listen to their voices (and to the voices of the dead), and to acknowledge their pain. These filmic strategies question the expressive possibilities  of the film medium in the face of a major catastrophe, confronting a change of "paradigm" in our relation to our environment."

3:00pm-3:30pm : discussion

3:30 pm-3:50 pm : Christine Détrez, Professor of sociology at ENS Lyon, Director of Centre Max Weber : My lost one : sociology and family secret"

Christine Détrez  is a Professor of sociology at ENS de Lyon and director of Centre Max Weber. Her research interests are Gender Studies, Sociology of cultural practices, and sociology of emotions. Her primary research interests include Gender Studies, Sociology of Cultural Practices, and Sociology of Emotions. Her notable works include: Femmes du Maghreb, une écriture à soi Paris, La Dispute, 2012),  Sociologie de la culture (Paris, Armand Colin, coll. Cursus, 2014), Quel genre? (Paris, Thierry Magnier 2015), Les femmes peuvent-elles être de grands hommes? (Paris, Belin, 2016), Nos mères. Huguette, Christiane et tant d'autres, une histoire de l'émancipation féminine (with Karine Bastide, Paris, La Découverte, 2020). Additionally, she is a novelist and her most recent book is Pour te ressembler (Paris, Denoël, 2021).

How can sociology address the issue of silence, particularly when it is enforced upon women and children? Is it possible to restore the voices of the deceased, and specifically that of a deceased woman, in the context of a family secret? Using the frameworks of the sociology of gender and emotions, she will attempt to accomplish this.

3:50pm-4:20 pm : Discussion

4:20 pm-5:00 pm: conclusion

