ENS de Lyon institutional presentation video
ENS de Lyon institutional presentation video. This 2.10 minute video introduce ENS de Lyon in a succession of images of the different sites and memebers of the school, accompanied by texts and figures in French and in English. The texts displayed on the images are transcribed below in french and then in english. Image descriptions are shown in square brackets.
Bienvenue à l’École normale supérieure de Lyon
Welcome to École normale supérieure de Lyon
[Image of students throwing their hats at a graduation ceremony]
Formation & Recherche
Research and education
[Images of lecture theatres and research laboratories at ENS de Lyon]
2400 étudiantes et étudiants
2400 students
[Photograph of a graduating class of students from ENS de Lyon]
700 enseignantes-chercheures et enseignants-chercheurs
700 Academic staff
[Images of faculty memeber in teaching and research situations]
600 personnels administratifs et techniques
600 admistrative staff
[Images of various administrative staff in professional situations: managers, gardeners, IT specialists, animators]
12 départements de formation
12 departments
[Mosaic of 12 images representing the activities of the various departments of ENS de Lyon]
30 structures de recherche
30 research units
[Mosaic of 12 images representing the activities of the various research structures at ENS de Lyon]
Sciences et humanités
Humanities and sciences
[Image taken from an ENS de Lyon graduation ceremony when the Humanities department took to the stage]
Interface entre Science & société
When science and society meet
[Overhead view of a ‘climate fresk’]
Aiming high
[Image taken from a graduation ceremony at ENS de Lyon during the presentation of the degree by the school's governing body]
[Composition of 3 images with interactions between faculty memebers and students]
[Composition of 2 images at events open to the public]
Join us
[Aerial views of ENS de Lyon site]
[Image from a research units at ENS de Lyon]
[2 Images of students and teachers]
Diffuser la connaissance
Disseminate knowledge
[Mosaic of 4 images of students and teachers]
Pour un monde plus intelligible et durable
Making sense of the world for a sustainable future
[Close-up of a flower in the garden of ENS de Lyon, then a view of the garden on the Descartes campus]
École normale supérieure
[Text and image animation by ENS de Lyon]
- University of Lyon / ENS de Lyon co-branded logo
- Labels :
- "Bienvenue en France"
- HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers)